


à at / to /in pendant during
de from / of / about depuis since /for
chez at the house of parmi among
dans /en in entre between
pour for autour de around
par by / through contre against
devant in front of vers / envers toward
derrière behind à travers through / across
avant before avec with
après after sans without
en haut up dedans / à l'intérieur inside
en bas down dehors / à l'extérieur outside
sur on hors de / en dehors de outside of
au-dessus de over / above à cause de because of
sous / au-dessous de under / below selon / d'après according
en face de across from environ approximately
près de  near malgré in spite of
loin de  far from quant à as for

You can also use dessus and dessous as adverbs to mean over it / on top of it and beneath it / underneath it, respectively. They are not followed by nouns or pronouns, unlike prepositions.

Prepositional Contractions

à + le = au /o/ at / to / in the
à + les = aux /o/ at / to / in the (pl.)
de + le = du /dy/ of / from / about the
de + les = des /de/ of / from / about the (pl.)

In: Dans vs. En
Dans is used to show the time when an action will begin, while en shows the length of time an action takes.

Je pars dans quinze minutes. I'm leaving in 15 minutes.
Il peut lire ce livre en une demi-heure. He can read this book in a half hour.

With: Avec vs. De vs. A vs. Chez
Avec implies doing something or going along with someone; de is used in phrases of manner and in many idiomatic expressions; à is used when referring to someone's attributes; and chez is used to mean "as far as (person) is concerned." To describe the way a person carries him/herself, no extra word is used.

Je vais en France avec ma sœur. I'm going to France with my sister.
Elle me remercie d'un sourire. She thanks me with a smile.
L'homme aux cheveux roux est très grand. The man with the red hair is very tall.
Chez cet enfant, tout est simple. With this child, everything is simple.
Il marche, les mains dans les poches. He walks with his hands in his pockets.

