

ça ne fait rien    不要紧,没关系
"that doesn't matter"; rendered as san fairy Ann in British WWI slang.

cachet    封印;特征;标语;药包
lit. "stamp"; a distinctive quality ; quality, prestige.

café    咖啡馆
a coffee shop (also used in French for "coffee").

café au lait     加奶咖啡
coffee with milk; or a light-brown color. In medicine, it is also used to describe a birthmark that is of a light-brown color (café au lait spot).

calque    仿造,仿造词语,直译语
a copied term/thing

carte blanche     [律]全权委托,署名空白纸(任人填写条件等)
unlimited authority; literally "white card" (i.e. blank check).

carte de visite    名片
a calling card, literally "visiting card".

carte d'identité    身份证
identity card. Its proper, but less commonly used administrative appellation, is "carte nationale d'identité" (national identity card), abbreviated as CNI.

c'est bon    很好,很棒
"that's good".

c'est la guerre!     这就是战争!
"That's War!"; or "Such is war!" Often used with the meaning that "this means war", but it can be sometimes used as an expression to say that war (or life in general) is harsh but that one must accept it.

c'est la mode.     这就是时尚。
"That's the fashion."

c'est la vie!    这就是生活!
"That's life!"; or "Such is life!" It is sometimes used as an expression to say that life is harsh but that one must accept it.

c'est magnifique!    非常棒!
"That's great!"; literally it's magnificent.

c’est tout    就这么多,全部就是这些
that is everything, "That's all." See also un point c’est tout.
chacun ses goûts / à chacun ses goûts / à chacun son goût / chacun à son goût [all are used]
"to each his (their) own taste(s)" or "each to his own taste".

chaise longue    躺椅
a long chair for reclining; (also rendered chaise lounge or chase lounge via folk etymology).

Champs-Élysées    香榭丽舍大道
literally "Elysian Fields"; Avenue des Champs-Élysées, one of the largest boulevards in Paris. Often referred as simply "les Champs". Pronounced chanz-ay-lee-zay
