Expression: En effet
Pronunciation: [a(n) nay feh]
Meaning: indeed, because, actually, in fact, that's right
Literal translation: in effect
表达: En effet
发音:[a(n) nay feh]
Notes: The French expression en effet is used to confirm what was just said, and may also introduce an explanation or other additional information.
注释:法语表达“en effet”是用来证实之前所说的,也可引入一个解释或其他附加信息。
1.Il veut venir avec nous ? -En effet.
He wants to come with us? -That's right.
2.Je ne serai pas là mardi, en effet, je dois amener ma mère chez le médecin.
I won't be there on Tuesday, because I have to take my mother to the doctor.
3.Elle est en effet plus grande.
Indeed / You're right / That's true, she is taller.
4.As-tu déjà vu ce film ? -En effet, je l'ai vu la semaine dernière.
Have you already seen this movie? -Yes, in fact, I saw it last week.
The expression en effet is underutilized by English speakers, who often say en fait when what they really mean is en effet. Both expressions can be translated by "in fact," but the difference is that en effet confirms, whereas en fait contradicts.
法语表达“en effet”并未被以英语为母语的人充分利用,当他们真正要表达“事实上”的时候,他们通常会说“en effet”。这两种表达都可翻译为“事实上”,但是不同的是“en effet”表达的是已确认的事实,而“en fait”表达的是尚存矛盾的事实。
Synonym: When used to agree with what was just said, en effet is synonymous with voilà.
同义词:当用于同意刚才所说的时候,“en effet”就是它的同义词。
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