参考答案:A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D.1

A. Séducteurs professionels 4. DonJuan, Casanova 堂璜,卡萨诺瓦
B. Une femme sédusante. 3. An attractive woman 有魅力的女人
C. Les prix vont vous séduire. 2. The prices will tempt you. 价格会吸引你的。
D. Harry finally seduced Sally. 1. He induced her to have sex. 哈利引诱了萨丽。


The hidden truth about the French way of life: it’s all about seduction—its rules, its secrets, its pleasures. France is a seductive country, seductive in its elegance, its beauty, its sensual pleasures, and its joie de vivre. But Elaine Sciolino, the longtime Paris bureau chief of The New York Times, reveals that seduction is much more than a game to the French: it is the key to understanding France. Seduction lies at the essence of the French approach to human relations, and it is the ever-present subtext for how the French relate to one another—not just in romantic relationships but also in how they conduct business, enjoy food and drink, define style, engage in intellectual debate, elect politicians, and project power around the world. While sexual repartee and conquest remain at the heart of seduction, for the French seduction has become a philosophy of life, even an ideology that can confuse outsiders.
法国生活方式的秘密,就在于“诱惑”:“诱惑”无所不在。法国是个诱惑之国,其优雅,美丽,性感,人生之乐,无不体现诱惑。ElaineSciolino长期担任《纽约时报》驻巴黎办事处主任,她揭示出“诱惑”的意义:这不仅仅是法国人玩的浪漫游戏,“诱惑”是了解法国的一把钥匙。法国的 人情世故,法国人之间如何打交道:怎样做买卖,享受美酒佳肴,界定时尚,进行学术辩论,举行大选,向全世界彰显法国的实力等等,这一切都遵循着诱惑的原 则,一切的背后,都是诱惑在起作用。当然,最根本的诱惑还是围绕着浪漫游戏和性爱。但对法国人来说,诱惑已经成为一种人生哲学,甚至成了意识形态。外国人 是不懂这其中的奥秘的。

“It took an American woman and a journalist to write a truly exciting book about France and the French. Elaine Sciolino brilliantly captures the French character, looking at us with humor, curiosity, and at times admiration. Her book shows the power, charm, and seduction of ‘the French touch.’ Enjoy!”
—BernardKouchner, former foreign minister of France
有关法国和法国人民的感人故事,只有美国女人和美国记者才写得出来。Elaine Sciolino把握住了法国民族性格,以幽默而好奇的目光审视我们,有时也充满了钦佩。她的书展示了“法国方式”的力量,魅力与诱惑力。值得一读。

————法国前外长 Bernard Kouchner

Pour une raison quasi géopolitique : notre pays, « de la taille du Texas », s’accroche à cette exception culturelle, ce « soft power », pour compenser sa perte d’influence. Et vlan. Dans les yeux d’Elaine Sciolino, nous sommes un pays délicieux et suranné.
类似地缘政治的思考:我国的面积只相当于德克萨斯州,但却依然在强调“法国文化优越论”, 法国的“软实力”,这是为了补偿法国影响力的衰退吧?在Elaine Sciolino眼中,我国虽“风韵犹存”但已“美人迟暮”了吧?

La France ne conserverait-elle son prestige international que grâce à cette séduction qui s’exporte en produits dérivés (la mode, le parfum, etc.) ? …Elaine Sciolino pose les bonnes questions…
法国只能靠出口“诱惑”及其相关产品(时尚,香水等)来维持其国际声誉了吧?Elaine Sciolino提出的问题发人深省。